Adrian Vogt

Interesting Weather

With the relative flat land in Wyoming or Utah, the horizon is far away. One side-effect of this is, that the sun goes down really low on the horizon – in contrast to the normally “high” sunset at home. Also, due to the far visibility, the cloud pattern can be observed over a long distances.…

A Short Rest – Springhill Suites

In the “Springhill Suites” at Vernal, where I will stay for two nights, so I have some time to explorer the dinosaur hill around Vernal, looks quite comfortable too. My room even features a very nice living room area, where it would be comfortable to read a book at the end of the day. However,…

Wild Landscapes

On my way further down south, I came through some very remote and wild landscapes. Along the longer part of the way only grassland or bushes lined up with the street. It must be a very difficult trip for the first settlers to travel through these terrain’s – without modern navigation systems or freeways, that…

Arrived in the Wild West

Quite obviously, today I arrived in the Wild West. While there was a touch of it at West Yellowstone too, at Jackson you definifely know where you have landed walding or driving through the streets. Of course there is a purpose for creating this abidance. Given that many of these Wild West style buildings house…

Just a Stop Over – 4 Winds

Looks like I got quite a bit lucky in finding the 4 Winds Motel at Jackson to spend a night on my way southwards. Also as it turned out a bit later, when the illuminated the NO vacancy sign, I was quite obviously lucky too to get the last room.

Time to Move On

On request by one of the readers of this blog, I am posting a bad weather picture for those who had to stay home. Of course, that particular day was anyway dedicated to traveling a bit southwards as my finally 5 days and nights at West Yellowstone did come to an end. The extension of…

A Very Close Encounter

Normally one would not really like to be that close to a bison. Even though they look harmless, the can be quite dangerous. After all, they are still wild animals. However sometimes they seem to seek the neighborhood of people. At least it looks like that, when they travel the streets or make a break…

The Long Wait

The Long Wait … It kind of started two days ago. Still I have not seen the “Great Fountain” yet. At least not in action. This morning thought it looked like I might have a chance to see the morning show. When I arrived at around the end of the time window, it was blowing…

At the Madison River

A bit off the main road through the park, on a secluded drive, one can catch the calm atmosphere at the Madison River.

Behind the Scenes

What normally looks like an idyllic scenery in a remote and secluded location, sometimes is quite a crowded happening. Dozens of people, armed with cell phones, small digital cameras, semi professional equipment or quite impressive zoom lenses are observing the scene and hoping for their perfect picture. The subject and its observers: