Die Wald, oder zumindest einzelne Bäume, welcher hier vor weit über 200 Mio. Jahren stand, ist auf natürliche weise ganz gut erhalten geblieben.
On the way from the “Capitol Reef National Park” to the “Bryce Canyon National Park”, a rough 110 mile drive, the state park at Escalante is a place to see some petrified wood. This once was real wood, which under special circumstances became petrified. Like in all petrification processes, the organic material is gradually replaced…
A bit outside of Moab, one can find a short “Dino Track”. Directions to which are available a the local land management agency and basically involve driving into no mans land 15 miles north of Moab on a dirt road. Once there, there should be a short track, where dinosauric bones and petrified wood can…