Nachdem der erste Versucht nach Alcatraz zu kommen gescheitert ist, war am ersten Reisetag nun also schon mal ein Plan-B gefragt. Da der Zoo sowieso auf der Liste stand, wurde der Besuch desselben entsprechend vorgezogen.
For me a visit to the local Zoo is a typical part of a city tour. At Hamburg the “Hagenbecks Tierpark” is conveniently reached by the public transportation. Just after entering the park, at the elephant area a specially of the Zoo is immediately visible. People can feed the animals. This is of course a…
There are quite interesting Wikipedia articles to read on the smart phone for the objects surrounding one. There is not an explanation for all sites, but it’s quite impressive, what contributors have created. But of course hearing the story from a local guide is more personal and individual. So, like in other places, I took…